Did you know that now is a great time to do some shopping for outdoor activities? You can get great deals on all sorts of outdoor adventure gear.
Retailers want the camping gear to be liquidated as the season comes to a close. And with the new winter sports gear arriving soon, they need to get rid of anything leftover from last year.
Let’s check out some of the best deals we found recently, but jump on these quick before they sell out:
Camping and Hiking
Ultimate Survival Technologies Spright Recharge Lantern
Check Price on REI (up to 34% off)
We love solar camping lanterns. They are a no-fuss way to make sure you can always see around the campsite and in your tent. Plus they’re great for around the house and garage whenever you need a bit of light. The Ultimate Survival Technologies Spright Recharge Lanter fully charges in 6 hrs and has four output levels: high (100 lumens with 12 hr. runtime), low (40 lumens with 24 hr. runtime), amber night light (40 hr. runtime) and amber candle flicker (40 hr. runtime). It’s soft silicone globe glows in the dark and collapses for compact storage. Integrated hook on the base allows you to attach and hang almost anywhere.
MSR Ceramic Pot – 2.4 Liters
Check Price on REI (up to 45% off)
Jump on this deal before we do! We have used a smaller version of this pot for years and absolutely love it. The ceramic nonstick coating handles high-temperature cooking and is scratch-resistant. It is ridiculously easy to clean and incredibly lightweight. The lid has a strainer built in. This MSR Ceramic Pot can nest up to 3 insulated mugs and 2 DeepDish plates. 2.4 liter capacity and weighs 11.1 ounces.
GoPro HERO8 Black Camera
Check Price on REI (up to 25% off)
The GoPro Hero8 is a stunning action cam that is perfect for any adventure. With HyperSmooth 2.0 stabilization, forget about shaky footage and watch your memories in a smooth, professional-looking video. TimeWarp 2.0 captures stabilized time lapse videos, great for sunsets, star gazing, and whatever else your creative side can come up with. You can even live stream in 1080p on social media through the GoPro app. While the HERO9 release may be around the corner, those who go for the HEOR8 at this price won’t be missing much.
Goal Zero Venture 30 Power Bank + Nomad 7 Plus Solar Kit
Check Price on REI (up to 40% off)
Do you need some real power for your phone, cameras, tablets, and other small electronics? Or maybe even a backup power supply for those times when the home power cuts out? This is a nice little solar panel starter pack featuring a 7,800mAh battery and two 2.4A USB ports, capable of fast charging 2 devices at the same time. Plus the Goal Zero Venture 30 Power Bank + Nomad 7 Plus Solar Kit are IPX6 water-resistant so you don’t have to be overly concerned about a bit of water splashing on it.
To see more solar panels that are perfect for adventures of all sorts, check out our Camping Solar Panels post.
MSR Ground Hog Stake Kit
Check Price on Moosejaw (up to 25% off)
You know what’s the worst? When you are nearly done putting up your tent, but the damn stakes keep bending as you try to drive them into the ground. This little purchase for less than $20 could save a million headaches and sore hands. The Y-beam design of the MSR Ground Hog Stake Kit drives into many types of soil with ease. And the 7000-series aluminum is lightweight yet durable.
Adventure Medical Kits Adventure First Aid 1.0
Check Price on Moosejaw (up to 20% off)
It never hurts to have an extra first aid kit around. This one may not be the most robust kit around, but it has 12 essentials stuffed into a 6.5″ x 5.5″ x 1.5″ package which only weighs 7.7 ounces. So throw this in your car, backpack, desk, or wherever else might be missing some survival basics. Who knows when your Adventure Medical Kits Adventure First Aid Kit will come in handy.
Winter Activities and Sports Gear
Atlas Rendezvous Snowshoes – Men’s
Check Price on REI (up to 40% off)
Snowshoeing is a great way to get some exercise when the snow falls. These Atlas Rendezvous Snowshoes feature hassle-free Strapp™ bindings provide arch support, while the Light-Ride™ Suspension blends comfort and function. Perfect snowshoes for those looking to glide smoothly along gentle terrain. 30 inches long with 250 lbs maximum weight.
Tubbs Xplore 25 Snowshoes – Women’s
Check Price on REI (up to 24% off)
Tubbs is a very popular and common entry snowshoe. In fact, they’re often what you’ll find as rentals all over the place. So why not skip over the rental and get your own set for less than $100? These Tubbs Xplore 25 Snowshoes are made with lightweight, strong 6000-series aluminum frames and feature Quick Fit™ bindings that are very easy to use. 25 inches long and 200 pound maximum weight.
Arc’teryx Voltair 20 Avalanche Airbag Pack
Check Price on REI (up to 25% off)
Airbag packs aren’t cheap, but how much is your life worth? These incredible devices inflate in a split second, protecting the user from the nasty consequences of being stuck in an avalanche. The centrifugal blower replaces the standard gas cartridges, using a mechanical trigger with no electronics. The battery system is rechargeable in the field to make this one of the few airbag packs on the marked that can have multiple uses in one day. The Arc’teryx Voltair 20 Avalanche Airbag Pack has an airbag volume of 150 liters, a 20 liter storage capacity, all in a 7lbs 1oz package.
Black Diamond Pieps Backup Avalanche Transmitter
Check Price on REI (up to 30% off)
It never hurts to be too safe when in the backcountry. This Black Diamond Pieps Backup Avalanche Transmitter is designed to be worn directly on your body along with your main beacon. It’s compatible with any standard (457 kHz) beacon on the market and an accelerometer keeps backup from transmitting when still in motion.
Backcountry Access Stealth 240 Avalanche Probe
Check Price on REI (up to 26% off)
Every backcountry skier, snowboarder, and snowmobilier needs to have a great avalanche probe for their adventures. This Backcountry Access Stealth 240 Avalanche Probe measures 240cm (7 ft. 11 in.) long and collapses down to 45.75cm (18 in.) to fit easily in your backpack. And it weighs only 9 oz., so there’s no excuse for not carrying it.
More of the Best Deals Around
Didn’t see anything that fit your needs? Don’t give up yet. Find some of the best deals going on right now through the below links. Get yourself ready for that final camping trip, for the upcoming winter season, or grab some clothes at killer prices. Hurry up before they all sell out!
What sort of gear are you looking for right now? Leave a comment below to share your desires and we can hunt for it together!