Upgrading your camping gear or getting new gear for your new hiking hobby can get crazy expensive! That’s why we always do our best to buy discounted outdoor gear and avoid paying full-price.
Not to mention that it’s always best to “invest” (aka spend way more than you thought you would) in quality outdoor equipment that’ll last for decades versus buying cheap outdoor gear that’ll fall apart after its first use.
So how do you find top-of-the-line outdoor equipment at discount prices? The secret is having the patience to look for good deals AND having this list of the best discount outdoor gear websites to search for what you need!
There are so many discounted outdoor gear websites out there, but we’ve narrowed it down to our top choices – including places selling new gear, used gear, and gear exchange sites.
REI Outlet

REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.), is one of the biggest outdoor gear retail corporations. It’s based in Seattle and has retail stores in most US states. It’s organized as a consumer co-operative that sells sporting goods, camping gear, travel equipment, and clothing.
REI Co-op Outlet is one of our go-to sites for buying discount camping equipment and hiking gear. You can buy REI’s quality gear at cheaper prices, while still getting their 100% satisfaction guarantee and 1-year return policy.
The outlet sells last season’s styles, colors, and products at a cheaper price. Or in REI’s words, “Think end-of-season closeouts and previous-year models that work beautifully in real-world conditions. No outdated leftovers. Just great gear at great prices, every day of the year. It’s gear and clothing we believe in, stand behind, and happily use ourselves.”
Some of the best gear discounts are found on the Deal of the Day and 50% Off Deals pages.
If you want extra savings (of course you do!) then become an REI member. Members get 10% back at the end of the year and multiple 20% off coupons for REI outlet items throughout the year.
REI Co-op Good & Used

If you want some of the biggest discounts on quality gear and are willing to buy gently used gear, checkout REI Good & Used‘s excellent selection of used outdoor equipment. They have used gear for camping, hiking, cycling, climbing, fitness, and snow and water sports.
Not only will it save you tons of money, reusing unwanted gear minimizes the amount of perfectly good products in our landfills and is more sustainable than purchasing new stuff!
The used gear on REI’s site comes from customer returns and their trade in program, where only the best is selected for resale on their website. The products are sold As-Is and don’t have a warranty, but they do have a 30-day return policy.
The members-only trade-in program is an easy way to save on both new and used gear at REI. You can send in everything from camping tents to running shoes in exchange for an REI gift card.
Just another reason to become an REI member!

Moosejaw is a fun company (they frequently post pictures of dogs in scarves and coats on their Instagram) that always has tons of good outdoor gear on sale. It’s one of our go-to stores when shopping for gear.
They offer 10% back on purchases and price match! They also have a lifetime return policy, which means that you can still return those hiking boots you never wore, even 2 years after you bought them.
We love that they have a brick and mortar store in Boulder that we can visit when we’re in Colorado (where we lived before we started traveling full-time). And we bought both of our adventure travel backpacks from them.
Patagonia Worn Wear

Patagonia has long been one of the industry leaders in creating sustainable products and the fight against climate change. Now they’ve stepped it up a notch with Patagonia Worn Wear to help consumers cut down on consumption and reuse their products.
This site sells gently used high-quality Patagonia clothing and luggage. The items come from their trade in program, which offers up to $100 in Patagonia credit in exchange for your lightly used Patagonia gear.
Similar programs have been started by other outdoor retailers, like The North Face Renewed and Arc’teryx Used Gear.
Steep & Cheap

Steep & Cheap has limited-time huge discounts on tons of quality outdoor gear and top brands, like Arc’teryx, Chaco, and Sorel. We got our roll-up camping table from them for much cheaper than even Amazon was selling it for.
Make sure to check out the “Current Steal” tab on their website for the deal of the day (usually at 50% off). Their “Bargain Bins” section is perfect for budget shoppers looking for deals under $10.
The only con is that they don’t offer free shipping, but they do price match so that kind of makes up for it!

Although we always advocate for paying a bit more for long-lasting quality adventure gear over cheaply made items, sometimes your bank account just doesn’t agree. And that shouldn’t stop you from getting outdoors!
Walmart is a surprisingly good option for camping and hiking beginners that want to start exploring outdoors without draining their savings on buying top-notch or professional gear.
They also have affordable camp kitchen essentials, like cast iron dutch ovens and Coleman camping stoves, and cheap sleeping bags.
The Clymb

The Clymb is an online store that does flash deals with 50-75% off on outdoor equipment and apparel. The only catch is that you have to sign up with your email address to join (it’s free) and see the insanely low prices. Quantities are limited so make sure to jump on those sales when you see them.
Once you sign up, you’ll get personalized deals on everything from hiking boots to snowboards to wetsuits. They carry brands like Icebreaker, Prana, and Mountain Hardwear.

Amazon has so much discounted outdoor gear! And as Prime members (get a 30-day free trial here), it’s so nice to get free lightning-fast shipping – same-day in some areas – when making last-minute purchases just before your trip.
As the world’s largest online retailer, it’s a great place to find a large selection of outdoor and camping equipment. We usually look here when searching for low-to-moderate cost camping and hiking gear, like our favorite long-sleeve UPF shirts and our backpacking trowel.
TIP: When shopping on Amazon, always make sure you’re buying from a reputable seller (like Amazon or the company itself) that offers free returns.
For high-end and bigger ticket items, like backpacking tents and backpacks, we usually stick to buying from REI or Backcountry because of their reliable return policies and quality of products sold.

evo is an outdoor retailer with stores across the US and Canada. They mostly sell ski, snowboard, and mountain bike equipment, but they also have surf, wake, skate, and camping gear.
Their Sale and Clearance sections have some of the best deals on discounted snow sports gear.
They also have an incredible price matching offer – if a competitor has an item available online at a lower final price (after any duties, tax, and shipping costs), they’ll lower the price by 5%. And they have an extra-long “365+1 return policy”, which means that you have over a year to return unused items!
Outdoor Gear Exchange

Outdoor Gear Exchange is a retail store located in Vermont with a big online selection. Their mission is “to sell great gear at great prices” and they do just that.
You’ll find tons of discounted outdoor gear on the discount gear and clothing outlet section of their shop.
They also have consignment store, so you can send in your gently used outdoor gear to make extra cash!
Outdoor Play

Outdoor Play started off as a one-man kayaking school in Oregon and is still run by the founder. They have a superior selection of kayaking, rafting, and SUP gear, but they’ve also expanded into selling gear for camping, hiking, climbing, and snow sports. We like that they price match and offer 60-day returns.
Check out their Sales page for the best deals (they had some great discounts on jackets and fleece from Mountain Hardwear at the time of writing).

Backcountry sells a huge selection of gear for camping, trail running, mountain biking, alpine and Nordic skiing, mountaineering, backpacking and more. They do have one retail store in Utah, but most of their business is done through their website. Their amazing “100% Guaranteed Returns” policy lets you return unused gear at any time for a full refund.
Backcountry’s sales page has a variety of deals on outdoor gear from brands, like North Face, Patagonia, and La Sportiva.
Plus, get 15% off your first order when you sign up for their email list.

CampSaver.com sells outdoor gear for casual campers, outdoor enthusiasts, and expert adventurers. But their inventory isn’t just limited to camping stuff. They also have everything from kayaks to skis and carry lesser-known brands.
For super cheap camping gear, check out their Deals & Promotions page.
Plus, get 20% off one full-priced item when you sign up with your email address.
Sierra (formerly Sierra Trading Post)

Sierra (formerly Sierra Trading Post) is owned by TJ Maxx’s parent company and operates in a similar way by selling last season’s styles and overstock outdoor recreation, fitness, and adventure gear.
They have retail stores across the US, but some of the best deals can be found online in Sierra.com’s clearance section.

Campmor is a recreational equipment retailer with a retail store in New Jersey. They have a massive selection of camping gear – including car and bicycle racks!
We really like the fact that they have a 90-day return policy, so you can send items back that you didn’t end up using after a while.
Check out their sale and deals section for the best prices.
Gear Trade

Gear Trade is an online marketplace for people selling and buying used outdoor gear – or what they refer to as “UnNew” gear. It’s another awesome way to keep perfectly usable gear in circulation, outdoors, and out of landfills.
Once you signup with your email, you can search for the gear you want by filtering by activity, condition, gender, size, or brand. Or you can list an item to sell and make some money for your next gear upgrade.
TIP: If you’d rather take a look at the used gear in person before purchasing, see this list of the best used gear stores in the US.
The good thing about buying used gear here is that (unlike Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and Reddit’s GearTrade) Gear Trade does allow returns for items that have been misrepresented online.

eBay is a great place to shop for all kinds of new (and used) camping gear, hiking equipment, and other outdoor gear. If you’re shopping for used gear, make sure to message the seller and ask more questions if the description isn’t clear enough about the item’s condition.
Most sellers offer free shipping and some offer returns. You can always shop with confidence because of their Money Back Guarantee – eBay refunds your purchase if you don’t get the item you ordered.
Final Thoughts on Discounted Outdoor Gear
Whether it’s your first time buying camping equipment or you’re just upgrading your hiking gear, purchasing quality outdoor gear on a budget can be a struggle, but we hope this list helps you find what you need so you can stop shopping and head outside in the right adventure gear.
Where have you found the best deals on discount outdoor gear? Share your tips in the comments below!